EU-WEBPSI learning materials
The EU-WEBPSI project has developed 8 train-the-trainer modules and training materials for Public Service Interpreting trainers.
With the aim of increasing PSI training capacity, 8 training modules have been developed as tool for trainers and work on a train-the-trainer basis. They encompass all important factors trainers should be aware of in this particular context and include activities and materials to be either used directly or localised to suit the particular needs of every training group. The modules are organised around eight distinct topics:
- Entrance assessments
- Basic interpreting techniques
- Ethics
- The public service domain
- Specificities of VMI interpreting
- Specificities of training interpreters in LLD
- Organising certification tests
- Interprofessional training on working with VMI interpreters
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The training modules have been created on the basis of the work created in previous project stages.
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